General in GrenkaDev Games (official)


The break is over, I continue working on projects
Перерыв окончен, продолжаю работать над проектами
I'm taking a temporary break. Excuse me.
Я беру временный перерыв. Простите.

You can take a screenshot in the game.

Guys, the remaster will be released today, but... (article)

Вот вам мем, чтобы не скучали ;3

The remaster is very, very soon
I have a deadline, I have less than two days left, I need to make it. It would seem that nothing is difficult, but I am lazy, and also a procrastinator.
(And also, the remaster of the game will be on another page)

Now you can craft (thanks @Mich-2018 for last night)
Теперь можно крафтить (спасибо @Mich-2018 за вчерашний вечер))

How can I make a workbench?!
Да как верстак то сделать?!

What kind of stone is this?
Or what's in the stone?