All Posts in Grön community


Rat & Cat's Theater in Minecraft (YES I USED 1.12.2 DEAL WITH IT!!)

Why I left the RNAR dev team and the RNAR Community, possibly for good! (Read article below)

Can I have my collaborator role back?

To anybody who keeps following this account:

Tortured Candy


Alright, goodbye, guys!

This’ll probably be the last thing I post on this account before I make a new one on Thursday. And for this post, I’ll explain what the FNAC 1 Recode will add

#Follow4Follow is no longer worth it.

I’m gonna stop it

Also, I’m probably gonna archive this account and start over. Goodbye, guys! I’ll tell you guys when I make a new account!

Here’s what I’ll do for the 900 follower special:

Just starting to reach 900 followers! C'mon, guys! We can do it!!