Grön in Grön community


Happy Birthday to me!!!

I redesigned the entire CEC gang (Except for Bella B cuz she sucks)

All credit goes to their respective owners

CEC by Nolan Bushnell & Atari

Kurt's honestly SLAYING it in that dress

Thanks for getting me to 100 followers! I deeply appreciate it!! <3

I’ll be working on the server for time being

1 follower away from 100! If I make it to 100 or more, I’ll make my server public

I’m shitting my bricks!!!!!!!

“Ok, fine! I’ll count my days!”

Hope everyone enjoys their final day of pride month!!

(I put this in the RNAR Category of Max's community cuz of the inclusion of Mackenzie & Chloe lol)

Final day of Pride Month!! I’m gonna be making a little something to end this month on a high note!!