All Posts in hiberd supremacy.

dead ahh community




You Shall Not Pass... i guess lol

#PvzFusion #Matticraft

Plants Vs Zombies Fusion made by BlueFly

The Creator can be found in YouTube and BiliBili, However, The YouTube Channel is not Official, its a Fake... He doesn't even have YouTube themselves.

im getting no notifications so has any important happen that i never saw?

Some ancient ass @hiberd fanart I made

GameJolt.. Why did you hire CaseOh... He ate the Potatos in the Server Room... Booo....

green and purple (also an attempt at making a background)

two parents with nothing but violence on their mind (and they're fighting their own spawn wtf) vs two idiot children that are definitely under 11

block tales

nooblet (and the player character from block tales)

thje playr took the swrod awaya from tehb noblet.........

Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!