All Posts in Halo

Yes sir, I need a weapon!

Current Work in Progress: Halo Magnum cosplay prop with working action.
Not real! Does not fire!
The slide moves, the hammer cocks and sets, and the trigger releases the hammer. The mag ejects and locks via spring loaded buttons.

Finally made a video of me playing multiplayer in Halo Infinite; definitely the most amount of fun I've had all week!

THIS MIGHT BE MY NEW ADDICTION LOL | Halo Infinite Multiplayer
It's about time I played online multiplayer in Halo Infinite! I still can't believe I put this off for so long; this ended up being the most amount of fun I'...

I crocheted a custom master chief with ears and the lucky number 7 😁😁

He needs a weapon!
In the last days I have been playing Halo Combat Envolved, It's my first time playing Halo and I get fascinated with it, so Here is the drawing of Master Chief

Finished a birthday present today 🙏 I can't believe how cute he turned out!. What do you think? 😁

NEW Make! Halo Crystal Data Disk (Large)
3D printed, spray and hand painted. It is internally powered and lit. The clear center is PETG sheets cut and hand etched with an engraver. It is two halves held closed by magnets.