general in The Metal Sonic Army+ #conelingarmy #metalsonicarmy + #ralseiarmy + #Witheredbonniearmy

Join #metalsonicarmy

Attention all metal sonics! Go into every post and type hue hue hue #Metalsonicarmy! Go my army!

Everyone join the metal sonic army just put #Metalsonicarmy in your name to join (if you want to you can change your pfp to metal)

@eeveecookiemermaid has joined our army HUE HUE HUE!

I was bored so I made bootleg metal bittax XD hue

It's time to go to war...ALL METAL SONIC PUT #MetalSonicarmy IN YOUR NAME TO JOIN THE WAR!

Brothers :D hue

WHERE CAN I BUY THE Hue hue hue hey hue hue hey hue hue hey hue hue hey hue hue hey hue hue hey hue hue hey hue hue hey hey?! I need it!

"Hue hue hue

hue hue hue" - Knockoff Metal sonic plushie

Watch this to prove yourse- HUE HUE HUE