art in SanspapyrusBOI's basement where he totally doesn't keep people inside.


So a few days ago @ElizabethAftonSimpOffical requested me to make a ghost type form of grumpig for him. So here we are!

Pokedex entry in the article.

Here have a bad drawing of the axolotl amy kit from roblox bedwars

Me and @kreepiekreepy decided to draw each other's roblox avatars.

That's it that's the post

Here have a logo for a roblox game i'm making.

Haven't drawn anything in a while so here have a really bad drawing of my friend @Evie-The-Unicorn.


Things just got way trickier

When your PC crash's during glitcher.

Took maybe 2 hours to draw.

Now the real quetion is.

How did i make my creations make a billboard and how did i get away with calling them idiots while 3 of them wouldn't hesitate to kill me and the other 3 would be to upset to do anything?

Anyway thanks for 200 followers!

"I'm sorry dream but you should've paid me more."