Arte in Italiani su Gamejolt

Mario, mamma mia! Write a post!

Showing random renders i made and forgort post on here

Dei render che ho dimenticato di mettere qua

random animations on meantime /animazione nel frantempo

concept art if i will ever make a unreal/unity game

concept se faro mai un unreal/unity game

Here's some banners that @Willfaz_Official made for me a long time ago... I still like these.

capitolo 1 (in descrizione)(ita)

Faker grey.

its called Gray

the name of the song is "Despair"

The Return to Freddy's 3: Bonum Iterum (by @Heisenmorg ) steamLibrarySet

full body 1/3

old zinco 3D

teser 4