BB Fangame Friday Jams in JSP Modding & Game Community

Baldi's Basics Fangame Friday Jam 9 will be starting on November 12th! The theme for this month is Mystery. You can check it out and join here:

The 8th #BaldisBasics Fangame Friday Jam will be starting on October 8th @ 4 PM EST! The theme for this month is Spooky 🎃. You can join it at

Baldi's Basics Fangame Friday Jam 7 will be starting on September 10th! This month's theme is Futuristic. You can join the game jam here: #BBFangameFridayJam7Futuristic

Baldi's Basics Fangame Friday Jam 6 will be starting on August 6th. The theme is Adventure and you can join it here:
Baldi's Summer Heatwave Of '98 for the Baldi's Basics Fangame Friday Jam 5 is out!

The Baldi's Basics Fangame Friday Jam has now resumed! The fifth one will be starting on July 9. If you would like to participate, you can join it here:

The 4th Baldi's Basics Fangame Friday Jam will be starting tommorow! If you haven't joined yet, you can join it here: This month's theme is Space, which was suggested by Harold.

The third jam of the monthly Baldi's Basics Fangame Friday Jam will be starting next week! The theme for this month is 2D, and I'm also now accepting suggestions for future jam themes!…