All Posts in Vs. Kapi: The Arcade Master
alright, the main menu is finished, this time the buttons are in the colors of dance-dance revolution instead of the boring white and black buttons, anyway, hope you enjoy
new main menu leak?!?!?
here is the credits menu, I'll re-do @Zev_Real's icon later
just finished this, before the credits icon for @ObleTheMinecrafter1 was just the normal Vs. Flippy: Flipped Out Icon, but I re-did it
tbh I can't wait to hear some of the music, like I only know song names so it will be fun for me to hear a music leak
takin a break from Kapi Expanded, in the meantime I am gonna be working on Bushwhack Betadciu
this has been going on for around 1:30:00-2 hours
after Vs. Kapi Expanded releases, I will be taking a short break from fnf, still will make some little stuff like memes (dang I don't remember my last meme) but mod-wise, I will be taking a break
So, I'm still doing Kade Engine build in fact I have Kade Engine building right now, in fact I had it running earlier, but I had to reinstall the code due to a bug, the game was pressing the + button non-stop (the + button is the volume button)