All Posts in Kindness 4 Everyone!

Spread some kindness!

Yeah :3



Some of y'all need to know this :3



last post for today unless something happens
gn y'all

Any ideas on how to move on from something/someone? I gotta move on from him, I GOTTA! I GOTTA STOP OVERTHINKING ABOUT HIM!


Use this hashtag for if @trying_to_be_better_for_you AKA Zip.exe has been or tried to be weird/sexual with you. I'm not a victim of his, but I'm not gonna sit around here and let his victims be silent... be heard, not brushed away.

@-Wp_Ax3l- i understand that after those experiences you don't think anyone is really there for you. it's okay
your trust was broken so i understand why you feel that way