Gaming in KUNOLEO

No one leaves the basement.

Almost at 15k deaths XD


chillin on fixed party, trying to beat it idk?

this night, finally, third game of kunoleo at 100%

i'm so tired now

chillin, farming coins and potions before bed

expanding my wheat farm and doing one for the pink sheep, i kinda want to do a jeb_ farm but it will take many days.

i'll see what i can do, baking some more

playing sonic on pc, is my first time playing it on pc, i usually play sonic's games on console and mobile x)

trying to be careful with these arrow keys.

jovialnightz plays better ngl

steampunk was faster than i thought.

finally they updated the daily rewards

chillin, close to 600.000 head pats ^^

finally having a great enchanted fishing rod