Gaming in KUNOLEO

No one leaves the basement.


playing a cool mod of sonic the hedgehog where you can play with shadow, he can do his attacks and targets enemies with his spin dash, its actually so awesome

i'm starting to do always the spicy difficulty instead of the normal one and i'm going pretty good ^^

on mario party superstars, i did so much progress, buyed every osts, encyclopedias, adhesives and frames

another done at 100%, that's redacted, i really like it

well, the same on the original, but i won't stop playing it, i love it.

it looks so good

my first time playing sonic dark souls, well, i wasn't good on Exezar fights with knuckles and metal so i lost lel.

for darkest soul, i survived only with cream because of the chaos emerald.

hey atleast i survived on hide and seek's acts

this mode tooks me one hour to finish an adventure from a character, so this will be more long to finish them all like the ultimate choice.

there's 37 characters, so this means i have to play for 37 hours.

well, a good start.

i left playing Super Mario 3D World on 2022, so let me show my progress here.

playing this awesome sonic 2 mod cuz i'm bored