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IDK :v

Billy Sticker

Normal Goofy Sticker

My character Photonegative mickey Mouse is going to, fix us something to eat So photonegative said to ya'll what do ya'll want to eat? Tell Photonegative Mickey Mouse what you want to eat.

Mickmick Sticker

Older Minnie Mouse Sticker

Photonegative Glove hands Emojis

Oswald Toy Car

When my Great grampa was alive before he had a heart attack him and Walt Disney grew up together in school call School of the art institute of Chicago.

Photonegative Mickey Mouse Toy Car

Photonegative is a artist like I am. And of course, the cartoon is still working on by me, it's because i been lately busy of school and other stuff, But. We will let you know when we get our cartoons and our characters in the cartoon completed I promise.