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IDK :v

Pop Pez Candy Felixs The Cat

Felixs the cat Mascot Costume 1934

Blue Mouse Sticker

As I went to explore, abondoned River Country, I went to take a photo of the place, and as I did, I noticed, something, was, in that picture, as I look back, at the photo, I saw, what seems to be, as a mickey mouse costume in the right side of the photo.

If ya'll have a vent, on the wall, just remember, that mouse that you might see you as his prey, may be more, then meets the eye.

There seems, to be a error, on my tv, as I was watching tv, this popped, on my tv, and saying something, about, the Bahamas? In Emerald Isle North Carolina?

Mokey Mouse Sticker

Oh wow, Corruptus, he's inside my computer!😃

Remember kids, don't mess with Anti Piracy Screen, or else, these creatures, will come after you!

Fnf Icons Felixs The Cat