Enjoy your stay! Share your creations!

How I became a lesbian

Poly Perfect games

-Stardew valley

-Dragon Age 2

-Fable 3

-Azure Dreams

-Sims 3 and 4

-Fallout 4

(I'm actually dating 12 characters in Stardew (no mod) and loving it!)🏳️‍🌈

Please feel free to add more in the comments.

Hey there.

Jesse. JESSE WE NEED TO HAVE HOT. STEAMY. GAY. SEX. I hear queer businesses have been REALLY taking off Jesse. WE HAVE TO CASH IN ON THE NEW MARKET. FOR THE PRODUCT.

Bi-tastic Games

-Night in the Woods

- Assassin Creed Syndicate

-Life is Strange series

-Mass Effect 2

-OL Beginings and Always

-The Sims 4

-Saints Row the 3rd

-Stardew Valley



Happy Pride month everyone!

I'm proud to agender and ace lesbian.

Os bichinhos das bandeiras do sexos diga qual é o seu sexo e comente aqui embaixo o meu é pansexual

E antes de mais nada eu achei essa foto no Twitter com um grande amigo meu que postou achou na internet eu pego emprestado só para mostrar a vocês

Happy pride month!

Just finished my new oc, get ready to rant at me.

Enjoy! Or not, because lots of people hate me for this XD.

Welcome to the LGBTQ+ Community on Game Jolt!

Here we support all parts of the LGBTQ+ community!
Community headers by @QuoteRed

Established: 2-23-2020

100 member milestone: 4-27-2020
1000 member milestone: 1-6-2021

VERIFICATION!: 4-12-2021

10k member milestone: 6-21-2021
50k member milestone: 2-1-2022
100k member milestone: 7-27-2022

Report A community for almost 5 years