All Posts in kool kats !!


Everyday I'm shuffing. (Not my meme)

Aint no way most of the boys in my class are homo- and transphobic and they also hate furries and therians :<

(Image somewhat related bc most of my classmates suck ๐Ÿฅฐ)



november - december in the alps >>>>>

(sorry its not time yet)

just a little less vague of an announcement

just wanna say some thanks to my friends on here.

vintage halloween decor (I aint gonna go through the whole bin ;-;) by request of @themusicman57

You have reached a GJ checkpoint, stop here at this arcade and chillax awhile. Feel free to comment anything but weird stuff and mean stuff.

Also, take this Sans Plush.

goodnight, see yall in the morn'

Hi everyone! Today I posted a new video on the New Piggy Update! I didn't get to go over "Build Mode" because I didn't want the video to be that long Here's the video!