All Posts in Literature

Share your poems and stories!

Ok, you donโ€™t have to do this challenge but for any writer try to write a story using these words Sunday, three, hate, fear and regret. ( and tag me in it so I can read it!)

Guess the quote!

( comment your guess)

A good life

( I had to write a story of what I think a good life is. .... -_- this is so cringey -_-. On the right side is Vincentโ€™s life and on the left is Adams life and as a kid I was a retard, the names tho!)

Cartoon themed Riddle:

Smart and curious,

Always searching for something else.

But once they find it,

They keep finding, studying and fighting these supernatural creatures.

And wondering where they came from. Who am I?

COME ON WE ARE SO CLOSE!! GET @blaststudiozcoowner TO 200!

This is how I feel

ps the abandoned island resort story isnt done i just had other things to do

If you canโ€™t guess this quote! Iโ€™m going to be of the sad! T^T!

Hopefully I type it down right!

Edit/hint: Someone from hell said this.

Guess who said the quote!!

Hint: this is from a very famous cartoon!