say something before you get plunged into hell!!
My brain when I have art block
kid me: is it weird to ship...colors? no that's not weird...I think...
kid me: I wish there was some sort of show or game where all the characters are named after colors!
me now: ah f[ork] yeah among us go brrr
Here is something I made for you. I hope you like it!
Sorry I have made it a bit quickly.
the last survivor
red's impostor btw-
Ok, so I wanted to explain a few things about @Alicia_thePopSinger , my OC/GF/Alt.
There's not been any trouble, but I wanted to say sooner than later.
I'm going to be completely blunt and open, and I hope you'll hear what I have to say. Thankyou. 😊
『Diced creativity』@skilledpixel's Stand.
Power: A
Speed: B
Reflex: S
Special ability: If they complement someone all wounds including mental will heal. (This cannot be done on insects, lizards, or bees.)