Main Devlog in Loka and the San Marino Art League

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I found a Marcisan Brown Bear.
At least the bear is not that harmful, compared to bears in other games.

The Left Path is certainly long, doesn't it?

And yes. I sampled a Psychonauts Song for the Main Theme of the Game, because, why not?
I may (or not) add a new title theme, as well as possibly a Game Over theme as well.
Well, for the game, at least.

I found a Path in the Outskirts. Where it would lead to?

Her house is surrounded by lovely trees, isn’t it?

At least Zetta knows she thought she could stop by and bring the main character coffee.
Very Seriously Good.

It's 6:00 AM? No way (Well, in the game, it's 6:00 AM).