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You could actually search for "Gamejolt" in the actual game.

I made that Sprite for a Red Lum Fairy Creature, inspired by Rayman's Red Lum Fairy.

William Luton's Official Portrait. Also, here's his "Sun Bear" Animatronic.

Many Amusements seen when i made this. This is part of a Skill called "Activate Sunbear", a skill learned by Willian Luton.

Introducting to you "The Nihilist Cookbook".

Loka Zonzini began to read this Forbidden Fruit of a Book.

This Book is not going to bite her, i sure it will not.

Elio Geppetto Melandri's Portrait, albeit, it's also a Full Body, despite being in a Party Member Picture Frame.
Welcome to the Loka and the San Marino Art League community on Game Jolt!