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A #KnightlingQuest, featuring Loka Zonzini and Nocturnis. The main title theme for the game is called "Artisans and their antics", and it is the song's illustration.

The Left Path is certainly long, doesn't it?

Which Path?

And yes. I sampled a Psychonauts Song for the Main Theme of the Game, because, why not?

Here is the Director of the Art League, #ColorHood, or rather, her overworld sprite.


Fully Finished the Marcisan Brown Bear Sprites. Well, for #RPGMaker, #RPGMakerMV specifically.

I found a Path in the Outskirts. Where it would lead to?

Some marcisan brown bear sprites, there is also going to be awesome interaction in the upcoming game.

Her house is surrounded by lovely trees, isn’t it?

Welcome to the Loka and the San Marino Art League community on Game Jolt!

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