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As a bonus to yesterday's post, here's a little office scrolling test for a project featuring my models! Obviously it's not going to be finished, but it still looks pretty neat.
Programming done by @FazieFunbear with @Emilmacko 's help!
The root of the problem.
(Amaranth belongs to @softSynthethic )
Don't think these will ever be used for anything, so I might as well show them off!
Here's a couple of FNAF models I made around a month ago, I hope you all like em :)
Which came first? Art or the artist?
fuck you I decided to fnaf your freddy have fun reversing it (art by @TheCoolZer0_ )
I really wish I could properly show off what I've been cooking lately but I made the promise to only do so once the gameplay was ready to go, but that won't stop me from showing tiny snippets like this hehe