Discussion in The Gusto Community

Have fun sharing your cool shit!!

The rumors were true, we are getting a Hyrule Attraction at Nintendo World let’s freaking go

What one of these creatures you prefer?

Dinosaurs or Dragons?

  12 votes Voting finished

Okay, so basically now what I'm like sorta understanding is that this whole depth sorting thing is like a huge shifting puzzle where everything has to be arranged in a certain order, I just gotta figure out the algorithm that gives me the result I want

i have an idea

Why’s everyone saying this movie vanished?-

I remember having this movie for like a good while

Still can't escape it, but!

Now I know the reason why, it’s all on the same layer for some reason(still I have no clear understanding why it’s even possible)

I just gotta find a way for it to unstuck itself

Yeah joining Twitter was a bad idea,

I forgot to mention this, but liken the whole Typhlosion thing was a scrapped lold myth from ancient times, still a lil bit crazy that it even was an idea- but that’s probably why it’s still scrapped, still no hate to Typh cuz they’re still my favorite

Kind of a thing with Nintendo and basically them sueing things for the sake of their stuff

Pretty much what I can infer based on what I know and have seen and heard

Random opinion, out of all the Chicas, I’ve always thought that the withered version of Chica to be the most unsettling, the double jaw kind of implies that for me