General in The Gusto Community

Have fun sharing your cool shit!!

Maybe at some point either today or tomorrow I’ll open up Doors Floor 2 and try to beat it with you guys

I think I may have went a little bit too hard with trying to figure out backgrounds and the trees and such, I’m kinda burned out my creativity tires a bit and I probably need to give my self a break from that and probably developing for a lil bit

Ykw? Probably I might change it to like to like draw everyone’s character who participated,

Alright! Poll is up!

Vote for your favorite!

Voting ends directly tomorrow! At 5:30 EST!

if there’s more art I will try to add them in as soon as I can

  32 votes Voting finished

I know the game is still being worked on, but I’m actually wondering what you guys are looking forward to the most?

Oh ye just a reminder! If you still want to be in the DMC contest, you’ll have to at least get your drawing in before the 26th! At some point tomorrow I’ll start up the poll with the current art pieces

I’ve actually had this Sketchbook for a while, but I’ve never drew anything in it, soo that’s probably gonna change when I’m in college so expect to see some stuff in here!

I honestly really hate that I keep ranting on this issue but I honestly can’t help it anymore

But like real question, I’m not gonna do it but I actually am curious

And I’m sorry that I keep on sounding negative, this thing gets on my nerves a lot

I’ve already figured out my commission prices! And listings! Now I gotta like plan a sheet for it, probably get that in next week before I’ll officially open them up