Memes n'shitpost in The Gusto Community

Have fun sharing your cool shit!!

Mamma Mia!


Where is he?

RB Battles Season 3 Final Battle Leak

Giga chad fox gusto

the Jr's Fox Gusto

Jr's Jota made this drawing for Jr's Breadface and for Jr's Gusto

"Atleast the new animatronic brushes his teeths"

Model made by @karatecreeper726

el lobo siempre cuida su loba

*can you feel my heart plays* have to post the gem for a perfect time of year

Oh My God It's Christmas! (Left 4 Dead 2 Autotune Remix)
Music by me. All vocals by Ellis (mainly worldc2m3b15.wav). MP3:

funny template i made
(+ i like men joke example)