Corruption Lore: Canonized in ThatAncient2's lore collection

Share your creations!

Me when I am asking myself to make OG's rampage a real thing
OG will be getting a weapons revamp sooner or later since the Weapons Master perk is just clapped for their nature and overall character developed during Alliance Uprising

Me when I redesign one character 283788927283 times because I cannot draw (real and confirmed)


Ancient's actual canonical design

It's fun seeing myself using the old canonical shoulder pad design after half a year of using an alternate one

About Corruption Lore Canonized and the team's state

We are badly in needy of team members here, since I am working alone on rewriting stuff

2 collabs, 2 people working on that

Hit me up on Discord, tag is:

thatancient2 (fixed)