BOUNDEDTALE in LuiZZer Concept Diary

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BOUNDEDTALE Interface Episode: FLAVORS!11!1!

"Small" overhaul of Boundedtale's interface.
Today's Episode: Party Icons.

You know, I've been thinking that in this Boundedtale reboot I should focus on making the UI more Undertale-like.
I'll give a synopsis of Boundedtale at some point.
(I think should stop posting this AU in the DONTFORGET Fanart section)

"* What a shame! What are you doing, sweating?*
"* No wonder Temmies consider them sentient animals! Now, are you going to fight or run away like a coward?"
* Susie laughs menacingly, Flowey watches the scene.
- For Boundedtale (Reboot).

Here is the new Boundedtale (Reboot) team!

Remake of the interface and things for Boundedtale.

Well, remember BOUNDEDTALE?

Well, I've been thinking about making the BOUNDEDTALE interface, with the resolution of the GBA. (Game Boy Advance)
Like Mother 3 or Mother 1 + 2.
This one focuses on BOUNDEDTALE/Earthbound (Mother 2).
It could be called "BOUNDEDTALE Collection"

BOUNDEDTALE remake of the Battle against Temmie, new background, sprite and now the sprite will be organized in layers.
Layer 1 - Character
Layer 2 - Temmie Armor
Layer 3 - Character Racket
I have a question about BOUNDEDTALE
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