All Posts in Nightshift at Molly's

Share your ideas here!

Me on my wedding day.

Jumbo Piggy, made in 40 minutes in the Scratch Editor. How do you think it turned out?

The Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is complete, all that is missing are the calls for the game and some other details

William Wolf, made in 2 hours in the Scratch Editor. What do you think?

I fixed the layers. Now I can continue with the rest.

Someone here hates the layer system in Turbowarp and Scratch. I don't know how to fix it.

!OMG 30 FOLLOWERS! This is totally unreal. Thanks for all the support guys X3!

I honestly can't stop laughing at episodes of this thing.

Behind the Scenes.

Nightshift at Molly's needs additional help to finish. Read the article for more information.