General · Umum in Malaysian Central

Kongsikan ciptaan anda!

Congratulation to @togo91 for 2,800 follower

Nobody is better than the original

(Facts btw, Awesome TV is banned from MYTV for certain reason, read article)

I using my ocs (similar to a scott cawthon's ocs, animdude) back as my pfp

Because of September isn't ended

"Monster" (made by meganddia) is one of my favourite best song

If some user who same also their favorite song is "monster"

A new candy, fusion of Coca Cola and oreo

We do eat THIS? Seriously?

Just knew how Fairuz Ramdan made the most recent suit for Mizal and I love it. Bro actually colour the concept with what seems to be highlighters btw. So surreal, so ethereal

Third image is the final result, with the "model" wearing it

I remember, Bellathewolf her tiktok account is now banned because for most toxic and most horrible/terrible that what she did/do

Well I can't buy it from a shop

Read articles

Muslim people are absolutely true as well

What the-