* You ocs * in Tiny Manel +

Share your tiny work :3

Mono! Look out!


(Yes, new version of my oc)

Oc challenge day 2 swim suit (and again there is a drawing


Meme bumbble bee


Chosen.Z Gacha Models


I made my self in gacha, also my gacha oc

I finally finished also who wanna i make oc for you

If you want

-scheduled post-

1st pic: Wednesday Infidelity style (that’s me btw and I tried)

2nd pic: Me in Cartoon style (theirs pretty much no difference to me I think)

:T yea…

Gacha kits is so dumb she should die

Chozen.Z Concept

By Me

Chozen.Z idea's made by me

These are the original characters in the series