General Marvin in The Marvin Faction


What was that Shashi?

-Kwysocki243 Document Update-

Hey @ShashiTheBoy2005 , hypocrite. Even you're pretending you're the victim, you're apart of it as well, not to mention you also harassed and yelled at @CoralinyTines , yeah, recognise her?…

Also can anyone sends the ArtyMik908 document into Twitter / X already please if you want to get this to the public around the world. I'm tired of my days getting annoyed that I couldn't escape from this pedophile we're exposing.…

Arty, it's my birthday, shut the HELL up unless you wanna start problems or I'm adding this into the doc, you pedo.

Well guys, I'm now 20 soooooooo yaaaaaayyyy

Any moment now

Can somebody pass me the popcorn so I can watch these two being hypocrite each other while they legit pedos

1 day left which is tomorrow soon

-ChrisDaLemon's Exposed Document-

It may be sort of short but this is where I got all evidences (expect for reverse pedo but will find it another time) but send your experiences here gang…

He's hungry