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Welcome to the MDickie community on Game Jolt!

Rules List:

  1. No NSFW (N Word, Sex, Facist and Racism)

  2. No cheating

  3. Bad words allowed

  4. Don't do illegal stuff

  5. No spam or unwanted commercial content

  6. No making Content Farms video

  7. Dandy World, Angry Birds Community, Sonic Community, LGBT, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, Baldi's Basics Community and other community allowed

  8. insulting religions is now illegal and punishable (but Islamic allowed)

  9. No AUTTP, UTTP, UTTD and ZNTP Allowed

  10. Memes and shitposts Allowed

  11. No fighting allowed


@REAL_KYBGYTStudios owner
Report A community for 2 days