CookieJuice stuff in CookieJuice's Dumb Club

Post some shiz

@Guy-In-Gamejolt 's new show TERMINATIOR tomo

The assasin cards

I drew these btw so don't get mad at cookiejuice if it sucks


@Guy-In-Gamejolt 's new show

Dragon Days isn't a WIP show anymore, I'm changing it completely, so DD doesn't exist in any way anymore

New MAIN Oc I made on pitzmaker

Her name is Kaini .S. Nika

me when

I need a team to help me with this mod (Vs Tomo)

I need; Music, and coding

DRAGON DAYS, Season 1 poster

Dragon Days is a show I'm currently working on

Tomo forms size comparison

(Tomo is MY oc)

Tomo power levels, this took a REALLY long time to make so I hope a lot of people see it

(Tomo is MY oc)

@stealthyboi made the Beast Tomo and Ki11er Tomo art