All Posts in Mortal Kombat

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Awe HECK naw.. They done did made sub-zero murder bee free!

Reptile From Mortal Kombat from 1 to 10

Can we talk about how underrated mortal kombat is?


Working on Kano at the moment.

Something's off...

Mortal Kombat Logo and Masks

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Mortal Kombat - Scorpion’s Harpoon and Chain Cosplay Prop

3D printed and spray painted.

Mortal Kombat - Noob Saibot’s Mask

3D printed, spray and hand painted.

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Mortal Kombat - Sub-Zero’s Mask

It is internally powered and internally lit, coin cell and LED.

3D printed, spray and hand painted.

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Mortal Kombat - Scorpion’s Mask

3D printed, spray and hand painted.

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