feature_request in Mr. Whale

Share your whale posts!

Add !impostor command (amog us but your face replaces the impostor's face lol)

!maiddress and it puts your profile picture in a maid dress

!ban @

But check chat to see this meany

and add !maiddress

also !petpet makes a petpet gif with your pfp

!animal (gives you random images of cute animals)

!kitty or !cat gives images of cute cats

!puppy or !doggo gives images of cute dogs

!cute gives cute images


!monke (places your pfp to a monkey like the !drip and !rickastley)


It's me again

you know what I am going to suggest

I won't stop

until it's there

!monke please

puts your pfp on a monke


p l e a s e


shows a random picture of something delicious


legit just a random sentence

(unless this already exists o_o)

!OH @