feature_request in Mr. Whale
Share your whale posts!
name: scratch
description: makes a picture of scratch cat appear in group chats
usage: !scratch
aliases: !cat !ScratchCat !Scratch !Cat
command suggestion:
name: !rapbattle
description: makes you fight against bf in a rap battle (may seem like it's !beep but it's not the same)
usage: !rapbattle @user
Sends a picture of hhpay screenshot
You could make it so you can use "!html5 [gamejolt.net link]" then you can play html5 games from gamejolt (Only free ones so that way people don't pirate that way). This would be helpful for showing off a demo of your game to your group chat.
if you do !greentext it generates green text
also you can do 3 2 or 1 ideas made by youe before it generates
when you type !eggmansupremacy the image is your pfp but eggman is everywhere
!chat @(Username) @(Username) @(Username) @(Username)
!crisbee - Makes Your PFP Over An Crisbee
!crisbee + @example = Somebodys PFP Over An Crisbee