feature_request in Mr. Whale

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!rickroll that sends a link to a rickroll

Try adding a !reversecolors option for !help images


add !mrbeast plz it will put your pfp


Command name: "!ballin"
What it does: takes a users avater and puts it on a ballin meme
Can also be used as: "!ballin @user "

heya i have command idea. !sorry deskription: mr whale to to sorry to you or not. same command !apolagize !sry !apolgagy

Command name: " !balder "

What does it do:

Idea: !diamond makes an minecraft diamond image with the pfp face.

allais: !Dmond !MinecraftDmond !DIamondPFP

name: scratch

description: puts your pfp on a scratch cat

usage: !scratch @user

aliases: !Scratch @user !cat @user !ScratchCat @user !Cat @user

Request: when someone is spaming @mrwhale says "@user stop spamming" I don't know if this already exists or not