General in Friday Night Funkin Multiverso

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Ok so
In the Galaxy 3.0 update is out
I played it and beat all songs
Enjoy this random image lmao
4 votes Voting finished finnaly you can download my boyfriend and idk so much have a taco
Should Make A Update To My Mod?
9 votes Voting finished
I want to make a gf skin for fnf mods but what should it be
15 votes Voting finished

Coming soon in Jolly's Nigth Funkin
Hey? I Downloaded The Video Editor, And Yes It's The Caput, Many Call It The Best App, It's Good To Make Videos On Tik Tok, Very Crazy, I Think I'm Going To Make FNF Videos Again, And Yes I'm Going To Start Making FNF Covers Again,
Hey? Tried Exporting Covers Pro My Friend, And Has A Very Bizarre Problem, I Tried to Export Cover from Overkill and Fatality, But My Kinemaster Closed Rendering, There's a lot of error, I tried 3 times and another 4 times,