Art in Murder Drones Community

Share your creations!

Mars a four-year-old drone who is the child of N and V born before the collapse of earth's core. Likes astronomy, reading, and playing with his parents. has Autism, suffers PTSD, cries a lot, sensitive, and is scared by loud noises. overall, a sweetboy :3

Uzi ultimatum [V2] (basics in behavior drone drift)


(Dr. J) (murder drones second human survivor after the explosion)

(Human OC)

Cute robot >:3

Finished drawing that @Cynessa-Elliot asked me for! I hope you like it!

"Oh... what do we have here?"

cyns waiting for her oil to finish being microwaved

Some sh!t I drew at school cause I was bored

Complimentary Furby drawing.

(credits to the respective owners of the AUs :P)