Tamrika "Tarry" Neo in The Neo Household

go crazy dude... just clean up after yourself dude i am not cleaning this house again

i wanna do this silly wacky thing where i answer questions in a video format and post them here so errr

ask sum questions in the comment section!1!>1!1!!

shat is this real

i wanna talk 2 my moots more often but i shit myself whenever i try to comment on one of their posts

pilby solos gnarsepy

i rest my case

ignore the obviously GOOD scores i have because im so CRACKED check out the new skin u guys

that one toothless dance video screams smurf cat 0.2

i keep forgetting my osu account is restricted

for what reason?? I actually have no idea


im too scared to send an appeal

what do we think of the lain profile theme fire emoji

normalize eating soggy cornflakes im actually so sick of being called insane becuase of that fact

im actually tweakinjg I accidentally interacted w/ an 18+ accou on tumblr i might actually lose my marbles