Tamrika "Tarry" Neo in The Neo Household

go crazy dude... just clean up after yourself dude i am not cleaning this house again

atyhis verymoment i am tweaking im shivrbing and im crumbling into small tniny micro pieces/vpos

you guys ever get cartoon arch nemesis type spite when you see someone with the same name

like there can only be ONE tam and thats ME im the ONLY tam in existence ypu FAKER

ermerm i think shes on the schizospec

iiii loovee self projecting

shoutout to the person who was so disappointed in me they wrote an entire paragraph over an art piece i did that was so obviously satire

CHECK THE NEW LAYOUT 🗣️🗣️🗣️ i like white layouts but i cant stand being flashed everytime i exit out an app

yknow what

im tired of pretending kpop is garbage it actually goes crazy

i was reading bive’s regretevator wiki page and i think they’re onto me

they mad cuz I stay in my room all day watching joel vinesauce and drawing yuri


qna bideo ft my awesome editing skills

if i didnt add ur question i either forgot

or i forgo


possibly cooking

also NOT sorry for the low quality L