All Posts in No Man's Sky

Every star is the light of a distant sun!

My niece and I chose a great day for ship hunting. Not! LOL Space pirates were attacking us, ships weren't flying in, and the weather was terrible. xD
We're both looking for specific S-class ships we want, but haven't found them so far. Maybe next time!

Not really a new game, but my niece plays No Man's Sky with me now. We're having a blast exploring the universe together and laughing at the crazy glitches. Looking forward to a lot more of that this year. :)

At first, I thought this planet was pretty cool, but then I chanced upon this murderous beast praying over its victim and changed my mind... D':
(As if this couldn't get any more disturbing, keep watching for the most bizarre walk cycle...)

What are your thoughts on the No Man's Sky 4.0 Update [Waypoint] ? (Comment or choose something in the poll)
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Yaaaaay, so excited for 4.0! :D

No Man's Sky Waypoint (4.0) Update Trailer
Introducing Waypoint, No Man's Sky's 4.0 update. An overhaul of fundamental gameplay elements including game modes, inventory size and usability, milestones,...

I have been playing some No Man's Sky again. Here's a screenshot of a planet with really spacious tunnels I thought was pretty cool, and also a crashed ship I found floating in mid-air! LOL
I heard old No Mans Sky pre NEXT still actively exists within Sean Murray's beard. oddly deformed abomination creatures, and drug induced nightmare fuel planets all within those hairy confines!
Just hopping in to see if this community is active! I'm new to Game Jolt, and I'm glad to see fellow space explorers here on this site :)

A little clip from when I found another exotic ship to add to my collection. :D