All Posts in No Man's Sky

Every star is the light of a distant sun!

How much salt do I need...?

My Nautilon is Doing Somersaults!

I Found Pokemon in No Man's Sky!

One Thing I HATE About No Man's Sky!

Probably one of the creepiest planets I've been to that had beautifully mild weather. There were whispering eggs everywhere... If you've ever played this game, you likely know how unsettling that would be. (<_<; )

I thought the mist on this planet was really pretty. :)

The planets are all lined up! :O

Watching the sun set over a valley. Love those distant hues; so pretty! :D
Hope everyone's week is off to a good start. :)

Here are a couple of screens from my old NMS save file; I plan on sharing some more. :D
This planet had a bizarre combination of creatures on it... Rolling eyeballs and rainbow bubbles. LOL