All Posts in Lovebug crew
My teacher asked me today to give him a dollar and I did but I asked he what if I didn’t have a dollar and he was like welp then he walked away then came back and was like nah just kidding like what!??
Look at my cat she’s so cute 🥰
I was in my schools news letter yay!!!! I’ve been in it twice because teachers do shout outs to students every Thursday and I got two yay!!
I’m curious are you guys dog people, cat people, neither, or both I’m a cat person if you couldn’t tell 😌
Ok so if y’all didn’t know I really love goats I think they’re adorable and I went to a fair in my county and there were goats!!!! And then my mom signed me and her up for goat yoga I’m so excited!!!!
Tysm that’s the best thing I’ve ever read and hopefully I will thanks again 😊
This is Cherry, she was originally a gacha character of mine, but now she's dead.
Ok I don’t understand grades like miss teacher when I get 100 why does my grade go down 🤨isn’t it supposed to go up 😤