should i add partners to Pac-Man Ultimate???
Partners would be like extra NPCs that eat one or 2 types of item. Some of them have small powers.
(reminder theres like 50 hard ghosts to deal with wacky ghosts and power ups)
Pac-Man Ultra ghost behavior (so far)
there will be more ghosts sometime, but they are secret
spunky and clyde.
they are duo.
it doesn't matter what personality from what game.
all combinations work as a duo.
i think i learned to much about pac-man. i think if there is other stuff it will take hours to find.
all thats left to learn is a few mobile games and new games whenever they come out
um made a new page
background familiar???
this was my favorite to draw.
i was so close to doing a actual color palette, maybe ill remake this someday.
i drew the canceled pacs from the pac man friends sprites
add this to the pac-ghost-collection
should i play pac-pix when i get my pac-money for pac-man