General in Gentleman Studios

*insert meme here*

@NonsenseNH vs. @Blantados (we shall wonder who will win)

reason why I don't use kade engine: it is very VERY buggy. when playing @Blantados betadicu mod, I was playing his tabi and agoti glitcher cover, and when I went from the red and blue background back to the normal one, I went from 4 misses, to 30.

okay how do I add in custom menus to psych without source code? I am trying to re-create the tord expanded menu but I have no knowledge on how to do it.

currently in the process of adding Paradox to the mod

kinda frustrated right now... I found a pretty good Norway re-chart, the thing is the laugh thing wasn't working. I need someone who can chart to send me a Norway re-chart, send them through google drive

this makes me wanna play Holofunk more this is now easily my favorite Blantados cover.

Killer Scream but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used 🎶 (Killer Scream but Everyone Sings It)
Killer Scream but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used (Killer Scream but Everyone Sings It)WARNING: Some shaking. If you've played or seen the mod, you alre...

of course the one day I wanted to play roblox, roblox doesn't let me play


@realThe_Gentleman - coding, story

@ObleTheMinecrafter1 - charter

-Mr. Cheese and The Gentleman are owned by Gametoons-

lookin for an artist, a musician, and a charter for Vs. Mr. Cheese I am already taking up coding so no point in applying for that, you'll just get the same response: taken. also for vocals it's the same vocals for any among us related mod

alright I'm getting a whole week off from school... yay. I have alot, and I mean alot of things planned for thanksgiving break including hopefully updating some fnf mods I made/am working on