memes in Pico's School

School shooting-
Everybody Gangsta till Google suggests Pico hentai
Meanwhile, With the Other Newgrounds Characters waiting for a Full Week Mod:
Alien Hominid: IT'S MY TURN!
Samur A**hole: NO, IT'S MINE!
Grunt: Guys, Guys, it's mine.
Hanzou: Shut the F**k up or I slice.
Alucard and Cyclops: Shut.

That goddang son of a shooting...
Also this is a continuation of that other post
Wait a minute.... It's been 5 years... Darnell said he'd only have 5 years....
Pico When He met Cyclops in the hall:
Pico: I'm not trapped in here with you.
(Gun loading sounds)
Pico: Y O U ' R E T R A P P E D I N H E R E W I T H M E .
What Casandra does while waiting on Pico to get to her:
-Watches tv.
-Takes a nap.
-Clean and reload all of her guns.
-Does a 95 question quiz.
Cyclops, Cassandra, Alucard, and Hanzou: Exist
W E ' R E G O I N ' H U N T I N T O D A Y