Announcements in Pink Oddities: REBOOTED Community

Post about the game...

Yeah fuck it, gallery will also make a return, that's all your getting rn.

in other news, spectrum of terror.

see ya'll in february where i'll try to be more active

(not taking another break dw)

The future of my games: Pink Oddities Rebooted

(Post 1/5)

Updated the Album Cover + Added Office Ambiance for 2.0, Full Soundtrack when Game releases!


Take a teaser of Pinko V4...

Teaser 5: REWIND

bored again

Give me random oddities to add into Pink Oddities Rebooted as a CN Exclusive
(I will pick 5, if i like your comment, that oddity has been chosen)
new pink community
3 little friends were a little bit fucking impatient today lol