general in Pixel Art

Post those pixels!

My Pixel art version of Jack the #JackOLantern ‘s Portrait from Animal Crossing!

Ok so I thought this would be kinda fun to end Joltober on this as I’ve been playing a lot of Animal Crossing recently anyway.

''I Am Happy, Yippee'', Ohh?!😯😅. justa a something i made for the fun

Joltober Day 31 #JackOLantern

Something I sketched in class that I really enjoyed the design of

It started as a dragon and became this but you can still call it a dragon i guess :/ Also couldn't come up with a name

Happy Spooky Candy Pumpkin Day!! 🍫🎃🍬
BGP is Half Price for Halloween, get it while you can! ->

32x32 icons for #halloween

Joltober Day 31: Jack o' lantern


And with that Joltober is complete


Обычный, ничем непримечательный лесной зверь. Но это не значит что он не опасен, его укусы и когти могут пустить вам кровь. Они редко нападали на людей, но сектантская активность в этих местах сделала их агрессивней. Странно... Они будто одержимы.

RU: Страшно, вырубай!

EN: >:]